Backlinks to NeOr1882V17BRMG012917 in all Webs (Search Main Web only)

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#TopOfPage CRACK City: Coins with Sensational Cracks and Breaks. Introduction: Cracks have an unmistakable allure. The following Mini Gallery shows a 4 shot pr...
Crack City Includes " hideimgleft=""}% Crack City Menu ! Crack City Pages: Crack City Home 1882 O VAM 17B 1882 O VAM 38B 1883 CC VAM 5D 1884 ...
#TopOfPage 1880 O VAM 53B 062518 Photographs are of raw coins. Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on a region of interest for maximum detail. Click...
#TopOfPage 1880 O VAM 6A 122717 Photographs are of raw coins. Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on a region of interest for maximum detail. Click ...
#TopOfPage 1884 O VAM 37A2 RMG 020419 Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classifi...
#TopOfPage 1900 O VAM 21F RMG 011417 Obverse: Near Date. Reverse: Striated vertical bands from rim above "E" through "RIC" of AMERICA. Comments: Consid...
#TopOfPage 1903 O VAM 23 RMG 092418 Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classific...
#TopOfPage 1886 P VAM 6 010716 Photographs are of raw coins. Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more ...
#TopOfPage 1887 P VAM 3A RMG 051817 Obverse: Near Date. Doubled 1 7. Clashed obverse "n" "t", reverse "M". Reverse: Clashed Die with faint raised Designe...
#TopOfPage 1879 S VNC 29: Doubled Date at Digits 8, 7, and 9. Mint Mark Set High and Tilted Left. Engraved Wreath. Chipped Die at each Wing Tip. Photographs ar...
#TopOfPage Crack City Coins with Exceptional Cracks and Breaks: Crack City Home 1882 O VAM 17B 1882 O VAM 38B 1883 CC VAM 5D 1884 CC VAM 7A ...
#TopOfPage Visit the Crack City Collection Ron Gapa and the Silver Dye Photography community. Monthly Featured Morgan Silver Dollar Variety 1883 O VNC 30 ...
" warn="off"}% ** " hideimgleft=""}% * Crack City Home * 1882 O V17B 012917 * 1882 O V38B RMG * 1883 CC V5D RMG * 1884 CC V7A RTM * 1884 O V37A2...
Number of topics: 13

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