1883-O VNC-19A 9803: Doubled 1, Mint Mark Set Left, High, and Tilted Left 46, Tilted Field at Cap Top.

Photographs are of raw coins. Descriptions may span die states. Not all descriptions may be present in any one coin. None of the descriptions are vetted by a third party grader. Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on a region of interest for maximum detail. Click "back" to return.
Obverse: Doubled 1, Tilted Field. Dashed 8, 1 doubled along right shaft and at flag borders, weak clashed n and t, diagonal lines along posterior wall of cavum, horizontal line along lower cavum, distinctive diagonal line in D void, clashed wing at -5 deg (1), cracks off the bun anterior and posterior, field displacement, cracks connecting along outside of all peripheral devices except for date and RS1-3, cracks OLS1-7, cracks connecting PLURIBUS and text stop, cracks connect 188, crack passes through upper left serif of L of LIBERTY.
Reverse: O Tilted Left, mint mark partially filled at bottom of loop by a small gouge, clashed M, single diagonal line in left wing gap, vertical scratch lateral third right wing, doubled designer initial and inside bow loop, neck clash ascending to right side of right stem on n (neck clash at -5 deg (1)), weak cap V clash, cracks connecting the outside of UNITED, wing cracks off the first T of STATES, crack from left wing to RW1 outer leaf, slight doubling of S of STATES, slight doubling of DOLLAR, polished field between F and denticles.
Threads: [ Description. ]
Coin Number: [ Base ] [ XXXX ]

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Full Coin Photographs

Coin 9803 1883-O VNC-19A
1883O V19A 9803 Obv 7420 5000 LFCP.jpg 1883O V19A 9803 Rev 7434 5000 LFCP.jpg
Estimated Grade by RMG - MS 63+
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High Resolution Photographs

Coin 9803 1883-O VNC-19A
1883O V19A 9803 Obv 7420 5000 LFCP.jpg
1883O V19A 9803 Rev 7434 5000 LFCP.jpg
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Galleries 1883-O VNC-19A Coin 9803

Large Full Coin Photographs

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Landscape Marquees

Additional Information at VAMWorld.

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Topic revision: 22 Oct 2017, TinFoil
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