Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.
II O mint mark is centered and upright with a slight tilt left.
Pitting over the majority of the devices.
Heavy pitting in the eagles wing/neck gap.
Weak cotton boll clash below eagle's left wing.
Liberty's hair curl clash marks at the underside of the eagle's neck, top of head, and in the field behind eagle's head.
Liberty's hair curl clash mark under/into the us of trust.
Strong cap vee clash at the inside of LW1.
Die crack from the denticles into the bottom of the O in ONE, proceeding to the left star and across the tops of UNITED into the tip of the right wing. Crack exits wing tip and weakly proceeds across the top of STATES.
Die crack from the right side of the O in Of proceeding into the F and across the left wing tip terminating at the left side of the A in AMERICA.
Weak die crack between the the tops of ERICA with crack exiting the right side of the A and terminating in the denticles.
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