1889-P VAM-33 SS 022417

Obverse: Attributes - Description. Markers - Description.
Reverse: Attributes - Description. Markers - Description.
Comments: Comments.
VAMWorld: [1889-P VAM-1C] [1889-P VAM-33] [1889-P VAM-52] [1889-P VAM-53] [1889-P VAMs]
VAMWorld Message Board: [ VWID 00/00/00 ]
SiverDye 1889-P: [Base] [19A] [22] [33] [38A] [52]
SiverDye VAM-33: [Base] [SS 022417] [SS 030417] [TF 831896]
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Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on an area of interest for maximum detail. Click "back" to return.

Full Coin

1889-P VAM-33 022417 - Full Coin
SS 1889 Fullobverse LFCP.jpg SS 1889 Fullreverse LFCP.jpg
Comment. Comment.
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Date and Bow

1889-P VAM-33 022417 - Date and Bow
Pa1889V33SS022417PSb 25.jpg Bow02FB.jpg
Slanted date with high 9. Metal near top of inside bow loop.
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Obverse Markers

Cotton Bolls and D-Void
1889-P VAM-33 022417 - Cotton Bolls and D-Void
ss 1889 cottonleavesPS1.jpg SS 022017 PS12.jpg
Lines and husks form trapezoid between bolls. Line triplets between husks of right boll. Line near bottom of D-void extends through curl to enter void on the right.
Ear and LIB
1889-P VAM-33 022417 - Ear and LIB
Pa1889V33SS022417PSa 17.jpg SS 022017PSa 04.jpg
Doubled ear. Heavy line in the upper serif of I.
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Reverse Markers

Right and Left Wing Gap
1889-P VAM-33 022417 - Right and Left Wing Gap
PhPa1889V33SS022417 RtWiGa01.jpg SS 1889 LeftwinggapPS1.jpg
Metal dots below beak. Diagonal lines in the left wing gap.
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Upper and Lower Tail Feathers
1889-P VAM-33 022417 - Upper and Lower Tail Feathers
SS 1889 UppertailfeathersPS2.jpg PhPa1889V33SS022417 LoTaFe01.jpg
Small chip between 4/5 upper tail feather. Chip on lower second tail feather. Two polishing lines bridge 4/5 tail feathers.
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Full Coin

89PV52_Obv01_LFCP 89PV52_Obv02_LFCP 89PV52_Rev01_LFCP 89PV52_Rev02_LFCP Pa1889V33SS022417_01_LFCP Pa1889V33SS022417_02_LFCP Pa1889V33SS022417_03_LFCP SS_022017_30_LFCP SS_022017_34_LFCP SS_022017_35_LFCP SS_1889_Fullobverse_LFCP SS_1889_Fullreverse_LFCP
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1889P_1896_V33_Obv 1889P_1896_V33_Rev 1889PV33Gouge01_840_Obv 1889PV33Gouge01_Obv 1889PV33Gouge01_Rev 1889PV33Gouge02_840_Rev 1889PV33Gouge02_Obv 1889PV33Gouge02_Rev 20170226_070731 20170226_070835 Bow01FB Bow02FB Bow03FB Bow04FB FB01 FB02 FB03 FB04 FB05 FB06 FB07 FB08 FB09 Pa1889V33SS022417_04 Pa1889V33SS022417_05 Pa1889V33SS022417_06 Pa1889V33SS022417_07 Pa1889V33SS022417_08 Pa1889V33SS022417_09 Pa1889V33SS022417_10 Pa1889V33SS022417_11 Pa1889V33SS022417_12 Pa1889V33SS022417_13 Pa1889V33SS022417_14 Pa1889V33SS022417_15 Pa1889V33SS022417_16 Pa1889V33SS022417_17 Pa1889V33SS022417_18 Pa1889V33SS022417_19 Pa1889V33SS022417_20 Pa1889V33SS022417_21 Pa1889V33SS022417_22 Pa1889V33SS022417_23 Pa1889V33SS022417_24 Pa1889V33SS022417_25 Pa1889V33SS022417_26 Pa1889V33SS022417_27 Pa1889V33SS022417PS_25 Pa1889V33SS022417PSa_17 Pa1889V33SS022417PSb_25 PhPa1889V33SS022417_LoTaFe01 PhPa1889V33SS022417_RtWiGa01 received_10210123967725960 received_10210123967965966 received_10210123968045968 received_10210123968245973 received_10210123968365976 received_10210123968605982 received_10210123968725985 received_10210123968925990 received_10210123969245998 received_10210123969366001 received_10210123969966016 received_10210123970046018 received_10210123970086019 received_10210123970206022 received_10210123970366026 received_10210123970566031 received_10210123970686034 sbebel_clashedn01 SS_022017_01 SS_022017_02 SS_022017_03 SS_022017_04 SS_022017_05 SS_022017_06 SS_022017_07 SS_022017_08 SS_022017_09 SS_022017_10 SS_022017_11 SS_022017_12 SS_022017_13 SS_022017_14 SS_022017_15 SS_022017_16 SS_022017_17 SS_022017_18 SS_022017_19 SS_022017_20 SS_022017_21 SS_022017_22 SS_022017_23 SS_022017_24 SS_022017_25 SS_022017_26 SS_022017_27 SS_022017_28 SS_022017_29 SS_022017_31 SS_022017_32 SS_022017_33 SS_022017_36 SS_022017_37 SS_022017_38 SS_022017_39 SS_022017_40 SS_022017_41 SS_022017_42 SS_022017_43 SS_022017_43 SS_022017_44 SS_022017_45 SS_022017_47 SS_022017_48 SS_022017_49 SS_022017_50 SS_022017_51 SS_022017_52 SS_022017_53 SS_022017_54 SS_022017_55 SS_022017_56 SS_022017_57 SS_022017_PS12 SS_022017PSa_04 SS_1889_16 SS_1889_23eye SS_1889_23neck SS_1889_24ear SS_1889_24earrmg Ss_1889_24neck SS_1889_25jawline SS_1889_25lowerneck SS_1889_2ndStar SS_1889_2ndStar1 SS_1889_3 SS_1889_4 SS_1889_7 SS_1889_8 Ss_1889_bandTY SS_1889_Capv Ss_1889_Capv2 ss_1889_cottonleaves1 ss_1889_cottonleaves2 ss_1889_cottonleaves3 ss_1889_cottonleavesPS1 ss_1889_cottonleavesPS1a SS_1889_Date SS_1889_Dvoid SS_1889_In2 SS_1889_Leftwinggap SS_1889_LeftwinggapPS1 ss_1889_libertbandfull ss_1889_libertyband1 ss_1889_libertyband2 SS_1889_LibertybandERT SS_1889_Neckjaw2 SS_1889_Neckjawpoint SS_1889_Rightwinggap SS_1889_Rightwinggap2 SS_1889_Uppertailfeathers SS_1889_Uppertailfeathers2 SS_1889_UppertailfeathersPS2 ss_1889p_bowlowerfeathers ss_1889p_midfeathers1 ss_1889p_midfeathers2 ss_1889p_midfeathers3 ss_1889p_midfeathers4 ss_1889p_midfeathers5
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