1883-O VAM-36A RMG 041116: DC coin.

Photographs are of raw coins. Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin. None of the described characteristics are vetted by a third party grader. Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on a region of interest for maximum detail. Click "back" to return.

Obverse: Clashed die with partial incuse "D" showing below "I" of PLURIBIS also corved line of "O" in Dollar from reverse showing at right side of right wheat stalk.
Reverse: Raised clashed "E" from obverse LIBERTY showing below lower tailfeathers 5 and 6.
Comments: Coin below is VLDS and crack near "AR" in DOLLAR may have displaced field. DC's most unusual 36A.
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Did you notice that this 36A appears to be triple clashed? The extra parts of the beard may be more hair clashes than typically seen. This is an interesting coin. Will take some time to digest. For now, this page is private. Let me know if you want it to be public. I can remove this comment widget whenever you like. It may be interesting to know what the VW Crowd says about the beard. Thus far, I think that this coin is unique. I am not able to make out a convincing E. I have a bunch of 36A LDS / 1H copies. You can always see the E with a loupe but it is not easy. I really like the photographs of the wreath crack at the berry. Notice that the R is doubled.

-- TinFoil - 12 Apr 2016

notice my lfcp's are oblong with this scope

-- RMG1883CC - 12 Apr 2016

Are they tilted?

-- TinFoil - 12 Apr 2016

This Lady has a New Home :} ENJOY !!

-- RMG1883CC - 10 May 2016

Thank you Ron and Linda! Yes, I must fire up the D810 and get this bad boy featured on the SD home page. Beautiful coin and possibly a rare die state. Reading my comment above goes along with the wing clash at the jaw neck junction I see with the loupe. You show it in photograph e.

-- TinFoil - 10 May 2016

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Topic revision: r16 - 20 Aug 2020, AndyWoj00

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