1889-P VAM-7 I2-R5 WR101721. High 9, Reverse of VAMs 23, 23A, 23B, 7, 7A, 7B1, 7B2.
Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification.
A characteristic may not span the entire die progression.
Obverse: III2 7 Die 1 - 9 in date is set higher than rest of numerals by about 20%. No die clash marks. Slightly doubled ear at top right inside. Different obverse die than used for VAM 23.
Date set at right edge of normal lateral position.
Die marker - Fine vertical polishing lines right inside of ear. Small raised dot on R right leg of LBERTY. Die polishing lines in RTY of LIBERTY. Die polishing lines below cap bottom edge middle.
Some coins show roughness on only Liberty head from possible cleaning fluid left on die, only on earliest die state.
Reverse: C3a Die shows little wear since same die and not used much for VAM 23 series. Has faint vertical clash line up from wing edge to bottom of n of In, same as VAM 23B. No die clash marks
on reverse. Very little die wear.
Die marker - Polishing lines in wing-neck gap - same as for VAM 23.
1. Die Sequence #1 has a Pitted Obverse Die. Severe fine die pitting all over Liberty head but not in fields. In addition, the 9 is open in the date.
2. Die Sequence #2 Obverse has had most of the severe die pitting polished off. In addition, Die Sequence #2 has a closed 9 in the date.
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VW 1889-P VAMs ]
Full Coin 1889-P VAM-7 Die Sequence #1.
1889-P VAM-7 Pitted Obverse Die. Die Sequence #1. |
1889-P VAM-7 Reverse. Die Sequence #1. |
1889-P VAM-7. Die Sequence #1. |
Regional Landscape
Very weak n clash line from VAM-23A Severe clashing events. |
Not Used. |
Open 9 in Date. |
Dot in right leg of R. |
Polish lines in ear opening. |
Polish lines at bottom edge of cap. |
Pitted Obverse Die. Fine raised dots on Eye & Nose. |
Pitted Obverse Die. Fine raised dots on LIBERTY head, cheek and neck. |
Pitted Obverse Die. Fine raised dots on LIBERTY neck. |
Pitted Obverse Die. Fine raised dots on LIBERTY cheek. |
Polish lines in wreath bow. |
Polish lines in wing-neck gap. |
Polish lines on left wing. |
Polish lines on right wing. |
Full Coin 1889-P VAM-7 Die Sequence #1 (Was VAM-5G Discovery Coin).
1889-P VAM-7 Die Sequence #1. |
1889-P VAM-7 Die Sequence #1. |
1889-P VAM-7 Die Sequence #1 (Was VAM-5G Discovery Coin) |
Regional Landscape
Date Position. |
Polishing Lines in E and R of LIBERTY. Dot on R. |
Polishing Lines in ear. |
Polishing Lines below ear. |
Polishing Lines in/below ear. |
Polishing Lines in/below ear. |
Polishing lines in wing neck gap Reverse Die. |
Faint clash N of IN and polishing lines in Eagle's right wing. |
Polishing Lines on Eagle's left wing neck. |
Eagle's right wing |
Polishing Lines Wreath Bow. |
Eagle's Upper/Lower Tail Feathers Et Al |
Full Coin 1889-P VAM-7 Die Sequence #2.
1889-P VAM-7 Obverse. Die Sequence #2. |
1889-P VAM-7 Reverse. Die Sequence #2. |
1889-P VAM-7. Die Sequence #2. |
Regional Landscape
Very weak n clash line from VAM-23A Severe clashing events. |
Not Used. |
Close 9 in Date. |
Dot in right leg of R. |
Polish lines in ear opening. |
Polish lines at bottom edge of cap. |
Polish lines in wreath bow. |
Polish lines in wing-neck gap. |
Polish lines on left wing. |
Polish lines on right wing. |
PacificWR - 18 Oct 2021