1902-O VAM-54 113022
Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.
OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: Doubling of the Ear, Profile, and Reverse Legend.
Markers: None
REVERSE ATTRIBUTES: The Mint Mark is set a bit high and tilted left.
Markers: None
This is a HITLIST40 Morgan Variety.
- This coin has all of the attributes associated with the VAM-54 and has been certified as a VAM-54 by the ANACS.
- The Date is set a bit to the left, buth within Normal Date tolerance.
- Hair above the Ear is doubled.
- As viewed, the Left Cotton Boll is doubled at the bottom.
- As viewed, the Right Cotton Boll is double on the right side and at the lower leaf.
- The Eagle's Head is doubled.
- The top Clusters of both the Left and Right Leaf Wreaths shows doubling at the leaves.
- Die chips are present at the the first S in the second letter of the Reverse Legend, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
- The e in the third letter of the Reverse Motto, In God We Trust is filled.
SPECIAL NOTE: A feature that has been described as a "Snail" due to its shape, appears on a leaf of Right Wreath Cluster #4. This feature is of the Hub and is seen on Morgan Silver Dollars that were minted from 1880 through 1904. In the cae of this specimen, the Snail is difficult to see. Photographs of this interesting looking feature can be viewed in the Section entitled
Features of Special Interest. Photographs of other noteworthy features can be found in that Section as well.
Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on an area of interest for maximum detail. Click on the "Back Arrow" to return.
Full Coin
1902-0 VAM-54 RTM113022 |
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Date and Mint Mark
1902-O VAM-54 RTM113022 |
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1902-0 VAM-54 RTM113022 |
Comment: Normal Date (Set left of normal, but with in tolerance). |
Comment: Ear doubling. |
Comment: Profile doubling and doubling under the Eye Lid. |
Comment: Profile doubling. |
Comment: Reverse Legend and Motto doubling. |
Comment: Reverse Legend doubling. |
Comment: Mint Mark set high and slanted left. |
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General or Noted Features
1902-O VAM-54 RTM113022 |
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Features of Special Interest
1902-O VAM-54 RTM113022 |
Comment: The "Snail". |
Comment: Hair doubling. |
Comment: Doubling at left and right Cotton Boll (as viewed). |
Comment: Doubling of Eagle's Head. |
Comment: Doubling of Leaves of Left Laurel Wreath. |
Comment: Doubling of leaf of Right Laurel Wreath |
Comment: Die chips at the S and filled e. |
Comment: Possible Date Doubling. |
Full Coin
RodMe - 30 Nov 2022