1898-O VNC-5 Base: Date Set 2.5 Denticles from the Bust Point and High. Doubled Second 8 (NA). Mint Mark set Right, Slightly High, and Tilted Right.

Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.
Obverse: Attributes: Date Set 2.5 Denticles from the Bust Point and High (NA). Doubled second 8 at upper inside of lower loop (NA). Markers: Gouge between center wheat leaf and right grain. Diagonal line in left side of the forehead hair gap. Diagonal and horizontal lines near floor of wheat cotton leaf gap. Lines transversely cross the top bars of B, E, and T of LIBERTY. Diagonal line in the foot of the I of LIBERTY. Transverse line in the right foot of the T of LIBERTY. Concentric lines cross the cotton boll stems and husks. Three parallel diagonal lines in the Base V of the third cotton leaf. Diagonal line at rear inside of nostril. Two chips in the upper 1/3 of the D-void. Line near floor of D-void. Horizontal line crosses center of hair swirl. Heavy line at the apex of the left hair V. Two heavy lines in the valley of the right hair V. Crack from the 1 to the first left star crosses the bust point with a jog. Crack crosses near the base of 98 and the first two right stars. Diagonal cracks pass through the fourth and fifth right stars. Crack connects from the top of the M to the sixth right star. Crack passes from the first right star across the field to cross near the apex of the lower hair and then out onto the field near the fourth and fifth right stars. Crack along the cap bun.
Reverse: Attributes: Mint Mark set Right, Slightly High, and Tilted Right. Markers: Dot below the E of STATES. Diagonal lines with crosshatching in the left wing gap. Polishing at the bases of the outer wing feathers at the lower middle left and right wing. Heavy polishing with diagonal line in left leg triangle. Horizontal lines from right leg cross seventh upper tail feather. Diagonal gouge near floor of right leg triangle. Diagonal and horizontal lines cross the first upper tail feather from the left leg feathers. Thick diagonal line between upper arrow feather and olive stem. Beveling of field beneath the first four tail feathers. Heavy polishing lines inside bow loop extend to the fifth right wreath cluster. Dense lines between the laurel wreath ribbons and adjacent wreath clusters. Thread like impression on the long upper and lower leaves of the right fifth wreath cluster.
Comments: The 1898-O VAM-5 early mint stage (EMS) die pair is classified by LVA as 1898-O VAM-27 and the 1898-O VAM-5 late mint stage is classified by LVA as 1898-O VAM-27A.
Resources: [ Silver Dye Photography 1898-O ] [ 1898-O VAM-5 ] [ 1898-O VAM-27 ] [ 1898-O VAM-27A ] [ VAMWorld 1898-O List ] [ Combined Gallery 1898-O ]
Galleries: [ VNA ] [ V1 ] [ V2 ] [ V3 ] [ V4 ] [ V5 ] [ V6 ] [ V7 ] [ V8 ] [ V9 ] [ V10 ] [ V11 ] [ V12 ] [ V13 ] [ V14 ] [ V15 ] [ V16 ] [ V17 ] [ V18 ] [ V19 ] [ V20 ] [ V21 ] [ V22 ] [ V23 ] [ V24 ] [ V25 ] [ V26 ] [ V27 ] [ V28 ]
Libraries: [ VNA ] [ V1 ] [ V2 ] [ V3 ] [ V4 ] [ V5 ] [ V6 ] [ V7 ] [ V8 ] [ V9 ] [ V10 ] [ V11 ] [ V12 ] [ V13 ] [ V14 ] [ V15 ] [ V16 ] [ V17 ] [ V18 ] [ V19 ] [ V20 ] [ V21 ] [ V22 ] [ V23 ] [ V24 ] [ V25 ] [ V26 ] [ V27 ] [ V28 ]
VNC-5: [ Base ] [ 2984 ] [ 7023 ]
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Full Coin Photographs for the 1898-O VNC-5 Variety Ordered by Mint Progression

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1898-O VNC-5 2984

1898-O VNC-5 2984 Early Mint Stage
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1898-O VNC-5 7023

1898-O VNC-5 7023 Early Mint Stage
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