1878-O VAM-93 020324

Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: Some Motto letters (P, L, and U are doubled rimward) with all Legend letters doubled with some tripled. Liberty's profile is doubled, most clearly at lower lip and chin. The Date is doubled with the left at the inside top of the upper loop. Digit 7 is doubled on the right side of the stem; and, digits 8,7,8 shows slight doubling at the outside top. Left Stars are slightly doubled to quadrupled towards rim. Markers: A single Die polishing line is present at the lower left of the letter R in LIBERTY. A short horizontal Die polishing line can be seen at the end of the Phrygian Cap Ribbon.

SPECIAL NOTE: The VW's VAM-93 Page doesn't note that the letters of the Obverse Legend, LIBERTY, are doubled or tripled. My specimen shows that they are indeed doubled or tripled.

REVERSE ATTRIBUTES: A Feather was engraved between the Eagle's Right Wing (Left Wing as viewed) and Right Leg (Left Leg as viewed). The R in TRUST is broken and the letter D in DOLLAR is doubled at the left top and outside bottom. Markers: None.


  • This coin has all of the attributes associated with the VAM-93 and has been certified as a VAM-93 by the ANACS.

VAMWorld Main Topics: [ 1878-S VAM-93 ] [ 1878-S VAMs ]
SiverDye 1902-O Varieties: [ 1878-S Base ] [ 93 ]
SiverDye VAM-93 Topics: [ Base ]
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Full Coin

1878-S VAM-93 RTM020324
rtm 1878 S LFCP 020324a.jpg rtm 1878 S LFCP 020324b.jpg
Comment: Comment: The Reverse Die appears to be Proof-Like.
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Date and Mint Mark

1878-S VAM-93 RTM020324
rtm 1878 S 020324a.jpg rtm 1878 S 020324b.jpg
Comment: Comment:
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1878-S VAM-93 RTM020324
rtm 1878 S 020324c.jpg rtm 1878 S 020324d1.jpg
Comment: Doubling of Legend letters; however, arrowed letters are tripled. Comment:
rtm 1878 S 020324e.jpg rtm 1878 S 020324f.jpg
Comment: Doubled Left Stars. Comment: The 7th Left Star looks tripled; perhaps quadrupled.
rtm 1878 S 020324g.jpg rtm 1878 S 020324h.jpg
Comment: Profile Doubling. Comment: Broken r.
rtm 1878 S 020324i.jpg rtm 1878 S 020324j.jpg
Comment: Engraved Feather. Comment: Doubled D.
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Die Markers

1878-S VAM-93 RTM020324
rtm 1878 S 020324k.jpg rtm 1878 S 020324l.jpg
Comment: Die polishing line in the left serif of the letter R. Comment: Die polishing line at the end of the Phrygian Cap Ribbon.
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General or Noted Features

1878-S VAM-93 RTM020324
rtm 1878 S 020324m.jpg rtm 1878 S 020324n.jpg
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rtm 1878 S 020324o.jpg rtm 1878 S 020324p.jpg
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rtm 1878 S 020324w.jpg rtm 1878 S 020324x.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1878 S 020324y.jpg RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.jpg
Comment: Comment:
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-- RodMe - 03 Feb 2024
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Topic revision: r10 - 03 Sep 2024, RodMe

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