1900-O VNC-15A 102516

Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: The Date is set further left than is normal. The first 0 of the Date is doubled on the lower left inside and lower right outside; and the second 0 is doubled at the lower left inside. A dramatic doubling of Right Stars #1 and #2 are clearly seen. In fact, VAM-15A has the boldest star doubling since the issuance of the 1879 Morgan. One of the two clash events experienced by this specimen of the VAM-15A left a partial incused n in the first word of the Reverse Motto, In God We Trust in the Field just off Liberty's Neck Line. Markers: None.

REVERSE ATTRIBUTES: The Mint Mark is set high and is shifted to the left. Markers: None.


  • The A in DOLLAR is doubled in the exact same manner as seen in many 1903-P Base VAMs. The 1903-P VAM research being conducted by Silver Dye Photography members has revealed that many 1903-P VAMS show doubling of the A and of the Reverse Motto, In God We Trust. This Variety, the 1900-O VAM-15A, the 1904-O VAM-31, VAM-1B1, VAM-2A, VAM-13, VAM-22A1, VAM-35A, and VAM-35B all show the exact same doubling of the A. Like the VAM-1B1, VAM-35A, and VAM-35B, the 1900-O VAM-15 does not show Reverse Motto doubling (or at lest not to an extent that it can be definitively determined doubling). The 1904-O VAM-31, VAM-2A, VAM-13, and VAM 22A1 do show definitive Reverse Motto doubling. Further review of the 1900 through 1904 Base Varieties will be conducted under the auspices of Silver Dye Photography. Please see Section entitled Photographs of Special Interest, which contains photographs of the Hub doubled A and less than definitive doubling of We Trust.
  • A feature that has been described as a Snail due to its shape, appears on a leaf of Right Wreath Cluster #4. This feature is of the Hub and is seen on Morgan Silver Dollars over a period of many years. A photograph of this interesting looking feature can also be viewed in the section entiled Photographs of Special Interest.
  • This specimen of the VAM-15A shows Obverse doubling at the 1 of the Date and at the outside of the Ear Lobe, which appears to be of the Die. Consequently, these two doubled features are listable as attributes. Reverse doubling at the Denomination, Right Star, and the last word of the Legend, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is visible. In this case, however, the doubling appears to be strike-related and, therefore, not listable attributes. Images of the aforementioned doubling can be viewed in the section entiled Photographs of Special Interest.

For purposes of simplicity, the VAM-15A comes in three versions. A Single clashed, Double clashed, and Triple clashed version. The Single and Double clashed versions maintain their listing as a VAM-15A. The Triple clashed version reverted back to VAM-15 as it has been accepted, correctly or not, that the third clash event erased from view the n transfer. Without the n transfer, the triple clashed version could not be listed as a VAM-15A. In order to be a VAM-15A, the n transfer must be visible.

  • This coin has all of the attributes normally associated with the VAM-15A. While this coin certainly appears to be a VAM-15A, my Page Heading notes this coin as a Variety Not Certified (VNC) as it has not been certified as a VAM-15A by the PCGS, NGC, or ANACS; nor has it been confirmed as a VAM-15A by VSS.
  • This is a Double Clashed version of the VAM-15A as two clash lines can be seen exiting Liberty's Neck Line and running into the Field. The first clash line is found just below the joint of Liberty's Jaw and Neck Line, with the second line considerably below the first. These lines were created by the clashing of the top edge of the Eagle's Right Wing.
  • Liberty's Nose to Chin area shows the results of the clash events. The marks were created by the clashing of Left Laurel Wreath Clusters #1 and #2.
  • Weak die file line action can be seen on Liberty's Head, in the Obverse Legend, LIBERTY, and in the hair below the Ear. Other VAM-15A specimens show very heavy die file line activity in those areas.
  • Just above the Ear, die file lines are seen exiting the Device and continuing into the Field just below, and to the right, of the Eye. I call the arrowed die file lines, "The Three Sisters". Also note die file line action in the lower corner of Liberty's Eye.
  • Heavy die file line activity is found in the Eagle's Wing-Neck Gap.
  • There are Bat-Wing features seen between the Eagle's Left Wing and Right Laurel Wreath Clusters #1 and #2. These features were created by the clashing of the lower third portion of the Phrygian Cap (in the Cap Vee area).
  • There are some die file line activity in the Eagle's lower extremities, in and around the Eagle's Leg Triangles, and in and around the Bow.
  • Two apparent die gouges are found in the void between the top and middle Olive Branch leaves.
  • There are two lines connecting Left Laurel Wreath Cluster #2 to Left Laurel Wreath Cluster #4. These lines were created by the clashing of Liberty's Nose.
  • There are clash marks between the Eagle's Right Wing and Left Laurel Wreath Clusters #1 and #2. These marks were created by the clashing of Liberty's Nose to Chin area.
  • Two die file lines run from the top of the Eagle's Left Wing to the bottom middle part of the s in the last word of the Reverse Motto, In God We Trust. These same die file lines can be see on all of my VAM-15As.
  • The feature that can seen running into the Field from Lady Liberty's Jaw is an outer Wing clash. If you have a clash gauge or rotation device you can see that the clash matches the location where the outer feathers of the Eagle's Right Wing meet. That same feature appears on my both of my Double Clashed VAM-15As.
VAMWorld Pages: [ 1900-O VAM-15A ] [ 1900-O VAMs ]
VAMWorld Personal Topic Pages: [ rodmeader Home ] [ VAM-15A ]
VAMWorld Threads: [ VWID 79796322 ] [ VWID 79734486 ] [ VWID 62336664 ] [ VWID 60002576 ] [ VWID 55409902 ] [ VWID 37041972 ] [ VWID 33562218 ] [ VWID 21600083 ] [ VWID 15024150 ] [ VWID 9885314 ] [ VWID 14186589 ] [ VWID 27243663 ]
SiverDye 1900-O Varieties: [ 1900-O Base ] [ 15A ]
SiverDye VAM-15A Topics: [ Base ]
V-15A: [ Progression ] [ 092516 ] [ 101416 ] [ 110216 ]
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Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on an area of interest for maximum detail. Click on the "Back Arrow" to return.

Full Coin

1900-O VNC-15A RTM102516
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Date and Mint Mark

1900-O VNC-15A RTM102516
rtm 1900 O 102516a.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516b.jpg
Comment: Comment:
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1900-O VNC-15A RTM102516
rtm 1900 O 102516c.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516d.jpg
Comment: The Date is set to the left of what is considered normal (a Near Date) with 00 doubled. Additionally, the 1 looks doubled at the top and at the top of the foot. Comment: Star doubling.
rtm 1900 O 102516e.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516f.jpg
Comment: The n transfer. I find it hard to see, but it appears to be there. Comment: Mint Mark set high and slightly to the left.
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General or Noted Features

1900-O VNC-15A RTM102516
rtm 1900 O 102516g.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516h.jpg
Comment: Clashed profile. Comment:
rtm 1900 O 102516i.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516j.jpg
Comment: "The Three Sisters". Comment: Die file line activity is not as pronounced on this specimen as it is on my other Double Clashed VAM-15A.
rtm 1900 O 102516k.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516l.jpg
Comment: Comment: Cap Vee clash marks.
rtm 1900 O 102516m.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516n.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1900 O 102516o.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516p.jpg
Comment: Obverse Clash Lines. Comment: The arrow is point to a line that was created by the clashing of the Eagle's outer Wing Feathers.
rtm 1900 O 102516q.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516r.jpg
Comment: Reverse Clash Lines. Comment:
rtm 1900 O 102516s.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516t.jpg
Comment: Wing-Neck Gap. Comment:
rtm 1900 O 102516u.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516v.jpg
Comment: Comment: Bat-Wing Features.
rtm 1900 O 102516w.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516x.jpg
Comment: Comment: Yellow and White arrows point to what appear to be die gouges. Blue and White arrows point to clash marks created by the clashing of Liberty's Nose.
rtm 1900 O 102516y.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516z.jpg
Comment: Nose to Chin clash marks. Comment:
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Photographs of Special Interest

1900-O VNC-15A RTM102516
rtm 1900 O 102516za.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516zb.jpg
Comment: Hub doubled A. Comment: We Trust might be doubled; but if so, it is so minor that I find it difficult to make the call.
rtm 1900 O 102516zc.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516zd.jpg
Comment: The "Snail". Comment: Doubled 1.
rtm 1900 O 102516ze.jpg rtm 1900 O 102516zf.jpg
Comment: Doubled Ear. Comment: Doubled Denomination and Right Star.
rtm 1900 O 102516zg.jpg RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.jpg
Comment: Doubled Reverse Legend (AMERICA). Comment:
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Full Coin

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-- RodMe - 10 Mar 2019
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