1883-O VNC-10 LDS (VAM-31A) 2340e: Second 8 Set High; Repunched Mint Mark; Mint Mark Set Center and Tilted Left; Bar Lines in D-Void.

Obverse: Second 8 Set High, slanted date, beveled denticles, horizontal lines in D void, tiny gouge right foot of R or LIBERTY micro-crack between RS6 and M, doubled M of UNUM.
Reverse: Repunched Mint Mark, Mint Mark Set Center and Tilted Left, beveled denticles, tiny gouge above left "elbow", tiny gouge at apex of left leg triangle, polished left wing base and thigh (V52), polished base outer left wing feather 7-9 from bottom, micro-crack from LW1 to left wing, vertical line extends down from right wing tip.
Threads: [ Peckinpah D-Void ]
Coin Number: [ Base ] [ 6085 EDS ] [ 2340e LDS ]
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Full Coin Photographs

Coin 2340e 1883-O VNC-10 LDS01 (Liberty Wounded)
1883O V10 2340e Obv 5981 5000 LFCP.jpg 1883O V10 2340e Rev 5995 5000 LFCP.jpg
Estimated Grade by RMG - MS XX
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Date and Mint Mark

Date Mint Mark
1883O V10 2340e Obv 5978 1440 Date Land.jpg 1883O V10 2340e Rev 5992 1440 MintMark Land.jpg
Description. Description.

Die Markers

Eye and Nose D-Void and Hair Swirl
1883O V10 2340e Obv 5978 1440 EyeNose Land.jpg 1883O V10 2340e Obv 5978 1440 DVoid Land.jpg
Description. Description.

High Resolution Photographs

Coin 2340e 1883-O VNC-10 (Liberty Wounded)
1883O V10 2340e Obv 5981 5000 LFCP.jpg
1883O V10 2340e Rev 5995 5000 LFCP.jpg
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Galleries 1883-O VNC-10 (Liberty Wounded) Coin 2340e

Large Full Coin Photographs

1883O_V10_2340e_Obv_5974_5000_LFCP 1883O_V10_2340e_Obv_5978a_1000_LFCP 1883O_V10_2340e_Obv_5978a_5000_LFCP 1883O_V10_2340e_Obv_5980_5000_LFCP 1883O_V10_2340e_Obv_5981_5000_LFCP 1883O_V10_2340e_Rev_5988_5000_LFCP 1883O_V10_2340e_Rev_5992a_1000_LFCP 1883O_V10_2340e_Rev_5992a_5000_LFCP 1883O_V10_2340e_Rev_5994_5000_LFCP 1883O_V10_2340e_Rev_5995_5000_LFCP

Landscape Marquees

1883O_V10_2340e_Obv_5978_1440_Date_Land 1883O_V10_2340e_Obv_5978_1440_DVoid_Land 1883O_V10_2340e_Obv_5978_1440_EyeNose_Land 1883O_V10_2340e_Rev_5992_1440_MintMark_Land DVoidByPeckinpah_Land

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