1881-O VAM-50A 110719
Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.
OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: This is a clashed Die Variety. A partial incused
n of the first word of the Reverse Motto,
In God We Trust is seen at Liberty's Neck Line. A partially incused
st of the last word of the Reverse Motto,
Trust, is seen in the Hair Vee region of lower hair edge. The Ear is doubled at the tip of the Ear Lobe.
Marker: Fine raised pitting from a rusting Die is present at joint of Liberty's Jaw and Neck.
REVERSE ATTRIBUTES: A faint Obverse Designer's Initial,
M, is seen above the
od in the second word of the Reverse Motto,
Marker: None.
- This coin has all of the attributes associated with the VAM-50A. Prior to 2014, ANACS certified this coin as being a VAM-33A; it was in 2014 that the VAM-33A was reclassified to VAM-50A.
- This specimen's Date appears to be at least doubled.
- The clash event produced a single Obverse Clash Line that exits Liberty's Neck Line. This line was created by the clashing of the top edge of the Eagle's Right Wing (Left Wing as viewed).
- A short line is seen exiting the front portion of the Liberty's Jaw. This line, which I call a Feather Clash Line, was created by the clashing of the tips of the Outer Feathers of the Eagle's Right Wing (Left Wing as viewed).
- The clash event left marks between Liberty's Nose and Chin. These marks were created by the clashing of the leaves of Left Laurel Wreath Clusters #1 and #2.
- Clash marks can be seen in the Field off the lower third portion of the Phrygian Cap (Cap Vee region). These marks were created by the clashing of the leaves of Right Laurel Wreath Cluster #1.
- Minor Rim Cuds are beginning to develop on the Obverse.
- The clash event produced a single Reverse Clash Line that exits the top edge of the Eagle's Right Wing (Left Wing as viewed), travels into the Field, and terminates above the n of the first word of the Reverse Motto, In. This line was created by the clashing of Liberty's Neck Line.
- A feature connects the letters u and s of the last word of the Reverse Motto, Trust. This feature was created by the clashing of the hair swirls near the Hair Vee region on the Obverse.
- A feature is seen exiting the joint of the Eagle's Head and Neck. This is the beginnings of what is referred to as the Bearded Eagle effect, and is created by the clashing of the hair swirls below Liberty's Ear.
- The clash event left a mark between the Eagle's Left Wing (Right Wing as viewed) and Right Laurel Wreath Clusters #1 and #2. This feature is generally noted as a Bat-Wing feature. It is caused by the clashing of the lower third portion of the Phrygian Cap (Cap Vee region).
- There are marks seen in the bottom right portion of the first L in the second word of the Denomination, DOLLAR. I believe these marks to be Die chips.
- The clash event also produced marks on the right side of Clusters #1 and #2 of the Left Laurel Wreath. These marks were created by the clashing of the profile from Liberty's Nose to Chin.
SPECIAL NOTE: A feature that has been described as a "Snail" due to its shape, appears on a leaf of Right Wreath Cluster #4. This feature is of the Hub and is seen on Morgan Silver Dollars that were minted from at least 1881 through 1904. A photograph of this interesting looking feature can be viewed in the Section entitled
Photographs of Special Interest. Other features of interest are also found in the aforementioned Section.
Additional Note: Each Date digit appears to be at least doubled. You may view photographs that support the Date doubling in the Section entitled
Posible Date Doubling.
Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on an area of interest for maximum detail. Click on the "Back Arrow" to return.
Full Coin
Date and Mint Mark
1881-O VAM-50A RTM110719 |
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Die Markers
1881-O VAM-50A RTM110719 |
Comment: Pitting. |
Comment: Pitting is seen on almost every part of Liberty's Face; in particular, heavy pitting is present on the lower third of the Face. |
1881-O VAM-50A RTM110719 |
Comment: The n transfer. |
Comment: Doubling at the Ear Lobe. |
Comment: Ear doubling at different angle. |
Comment: The st transfer. |
Comment: The M transfer. |
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General or Noted Features
1881-O VAM-50A RTM110719 |
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Comment: Nose to Chin clash marks. |
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Comment: Cap Vee clash marks. |
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Comment: Obverse Clash Line. |
Comment: Reverse Clash Line. |
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Comment: Bearded Eagle effect. |
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Comment: Right Laurel Wreath clash mark (Bat-Wing feature). |
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Comment: Left Laurel Wreath clash marks. |
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Photographs of Special Interest
1881-O VAM-50A RTM110719 |
Comment: The "Snail". |
Comment: Die chips. |
Comment: Feather Clash Line. |
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Possible Date Doubling
1881-O VAM-50A RTM110719 |
Comment: This, and the following three images, show what I believe is Date Doubling or Date Tripling. No Date doubling or tripling was noted as a listable attribution of the VAM-50A. I have brought this matter to the attention of a veteran VAMWorld member and hope to get further information soon. |
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Full Coin
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RodMe - 22 Nov 2019