Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.
Date set in the Far position. Date appears to be mildly slanted with the 9 higher than the 1. Not mentioned in MTP, the first 8 has a spike on the outside left lower loop.
Strongly clashed obverse at neck line with no letter transfer.
4 distinct diagonal marks between the cotton bolls; maybe a marker.
Fine die cracks at LS1-LS3 with long die chip on crack from first left star over to denticles on right.
Normal die. 2 long polish marks in the eagles scribble zone; may be a marker.
Very weak cap vee clash at the inside of RW1.
Die crack from LW5 to/through the N in ONE that terminates in the denticles.
Die crack from the lower left outside of the O in ONE running to a point on the left star. Large die crack at the top of UNITED and the eagles right wing tip terminating in the denticles above the first S in STATES.
Die crack starting above the E in STATES that runs into the top of the second S in STATES, into the top of the O in OF and terminates in the denticles above the F in OF.
Die crack at the denticles above the F in OF which transverses the eagles left wing tip and terminates at the edge of the wing.
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