1900-S VAM-5A I2-R6 WR120520. Near Date, High S, Displaced Field Break MERI.
Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification.
A characteristic may not span the entire die progression.
Obverse: III2 2.
Reverse: C3d.Die marker - Die polishing lines in wing-neck gap in two different directions. Die crack at top of letters in AMERIC with crack top left side up to denticle with displaced field break above MERI.
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Regional Landscape
Displaced Field Break MERI.
Die cracks and clash to left wreath (top cluster).
Die crack above date.
Die crack top of cap.
Die crack top of hair.
Die cracks at the top of cap.
Die cracks in lower hair, back of cap and in NUMN.
Polishing lines in bow and lower tail feathers.
Polishing lines in upper tail feathers.
Die crack to I of IN and S of TRUST.
Die crack in left leaf cluster.
Die cracks in left leaf cluster, right wing and wing tip.