1903-O VAM-4A RMG 092418

Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

Obverse: Doubled 3 at top, closed 9. Clashed die with clash lines at neck with raised Ovaloid.
Reverse: MM Set right , tilted left . Clashed die leaving a Ovaloid below "In" of IGWT.
Comments: Die scratch below A of America. PCGS MS66 Coin TP !!. Die scratch from left wreath to "D" of UNITED.
VAMWorld Pages: [ 1903-O VAM-4A ] [ 1903-O VAMS ]
VAMWorld Personal Pages: [ Home ] [ VAM-4A ]
Crack City Pages: [ Crack City Home ] [ 1882-O VAM-17B ] [ 1882-O VAM-38B ] [ 1883-CC VAM-5D ] [ 1884-CC VAM-7A ] [ 1884-O VAM-37A2 ] [ 1885-O VAM-25A ] [ 1886-O VAM-1E2 ] [ 1887-P VAM-10A ] [ 1889-P VAM-38A ] [ 1891-P VAM-9C ] [ 1896-P VAM-6B ] [ 1896-P VAM-6B ] [ 1899-O VAM-25B ] [ 1899-O VAM-25B RMG ] 1900-O VAM-2A2 ] [ 1900-O VAM-21D ] [ 1900-O VAM-23C ] [ 1900-O VAM-23C ] [ 1900-O VAM-31 ] [ 1900-O VAM-32A ] [ 1900-O VAM-34A ] [ 1901-O VAM-23B ] [ 1902-O VAM-26B ] [ 1903-O VAM-16A ] [ 1921-D VAM-1P ] [ 1921-P VAM-32A ]
Resources: [ 1903-O Base ] [ VW 1903-O List ]
VAM-16: [ 082015 ]
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