1896-P VAM-4 080122

Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

All right and left stars doubled with first two on both sides having large shifts. 6 in date doubled on lower left inside of lower loop and at top center of upper loop. Tripled 6 & 7 left stars and top of E. Doubled top of US UNUM, front of eye and eyelid. Date set low and much further left than normal. One of lowest dates in Morgan series.

OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: The Date is set much lower than normal. It is amoung the lowest Date setting in the Morgan Series. The lower left inside of lower loop of Date digit 6 is doubled and the top inside center of the upper loop is doubled as well. the Left and Right Stars are doubled with the most pronounced doubling found on first two Stars. In addition, the 6th and 7th Left Stars are tripled as is the E in the Obverse Motto, E PLURIBUS UNUM. Doubling is also seen at the top of the US UNUM; and the front of the Liberty's Eyelid and Eye. Markers: None.

REVERSE ATTRIBUTES: None. Markers: None.

This is a Top 100 Variety.


  • This coin has all of the attributes associated with the VAM-4 and has been certified as a VAM-4 by the ANACS.
  • Die file lines are present in the Bow and surrounding areas.
  • Die file lines are present in the Wing/Neck Crook, as well as between the Eagle's body and Left Wing (Right Wing as viewed).
  • Die file lines are present in the inside of the Eagle's legs, in the leg triangles, and in the upper and lower Tail Feathers.

  • A feature that has been described as a "Snail" due to its shape, appears on a leaf of Right Wreath Cluster #4. This feature is of the Hub and is seen on Morgan Silver Dollars that were minted from at least 1880 through 1904. The Snail is one of the most well developed Snails that I have seen. This interesting looking feature can be viewed in the Section entitled Photographs of Special Interest. Other features of interest may be viewed in that Section as well.

VAMWorld Main Topics: [ 1896-P VAM-4 ] [ [ 1896-P VAMs ]
SiverDye 1889-P Varieties: [ 1889-P Base ] [ 28A ]
SiverDye VAM-4 Topics: [ Base ]
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Click on a photograph to enlarge. Then click on an area of interest for maximum detail. Click "Back Arrow" to return.

Full Coin

1896-P VAM-4 RTM080122
rtm 1896 P LFCP 080122a.jpg rtm 1896 P LFCP 080122b.jpg
Comment: Comment:
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Date and Mint Mark

1896-P VAM-4 RTM080122
rtm 1896 P 080122a.jpg rtm 1896 P 080122b.jpg
Comment: Date. Comment:
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1896-P VAM-4 RTM080122
rtm 1896 P ATT 080122a.jpg rtm 1896 P ATT 080122b.jpg
Comment: Far Date set very low. Comment: Doubled 6.
rtm 1896 P ATT 080122c.jpg rtm 1896 P ATT 080122d.jpg
Comment: Doubled Right Stars. Comment: Doubled Left Stars.
rtm 1896 P ATT 080122e.jpg rtm 1896 P ATT 080122f.jpg
Comment: Doubled Eye. Comment: Tripled 6th and 7th Left Stars as well as the Tripling of the E in the Obverse Motto.
rtm 1896 P ATT 080122g.jpg rtm 1896 P ATT 080122h.jpg
Comment: Doubled US in the Obverse Motto. Comment: Doubled UNUM in the Obverse Motto.
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General or Noted Features

1896-P VAM-4 RTM080122
rtm 1896 P 080122c.jpg rtm 1896 P 080122d.jpg
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rtm 1896 P 080122o.jpg RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.jpg
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Photographs of Special Interest

rtm 1896 P 080122p.jpg rtm 1896 P 080122q.jpg
Comment: "The Snail". Comment:
rtm 1896 P 080122r.jpg rtm 1896 P 080122s.jpg
Comment: Die file lines in the Bow and surrounding area. Comment: Die file lines in the Wing/Neck Crook and between the Eagle's body and Left Wing.
rtm 1896 P 080122t.jpg RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.jpg
Comment: Die file lines in the lower portion of the Eagle. Comment:
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Full Coin

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-- RodMe - 03 Aug 2022
Topic revision: r5 - 31 Aug 2022, RodMe

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