1898-O VAM-13A 080715: Near Date. Tripled Second 8. Clashed t. Slightly Doubled Ear. Mint Mark Set Center, High, and Tilted Slightly Left.

Obverse: Attributes - Second 8 tripled at upper right of lower inside loop and double/tripled at upper right of upper inside loop. Single or double clashed t. Clashed mint mark (NA). Slightly doubled ear at the lower right inside wall (NA). Markers - Two parallel lines in the left foot of the R and in the foot of the T of LIBERTY. Single diagonal line from the lower left to the upper right serifs of the E of LIBERTY. Gouge at the upper left serif of the U of PLURIBUS. Diagonal line in wheat cotton leaf gap. Diagonal line at the stem boll junction of the left cotton boll. Diagonal line above the folded cotton leaf. Two horizontal lines off the right side of the midpoint of the helix. Fine convergent lines in the D-void. Chip in the valley to the right of the D-void. Distinctive line in left hair V. Double triple Wreath clashes at the cap top. Clashed mint mark between the right side of the folded wheat leaf and the right side of B of PLURIBUS. (NA). Double triple clashed wreath and olive stem at the cap top. Tripled clashed wing in close register at jaw neck junction -6 deg. Double outside wing clash at chin. Double clashed t. Weakly clashed n. Triple clashed wreath at the profile and at the cap back. Wing clash at the hair V. Double clashed neck at -6 deg. Double clashed folded wheat leaf between the ribbon and the lower leaf of left wreath cluster 5. Crack from the upper loop of the first 8 across the bust point and to the lower right point of the first left star. Crack from flag of 1 to LS1 crosses the bust point. Cracks along the left stars, right stars 4-6, and BUS.
Reverse: Attributes - Mint mark set center, high, and tilted slightly left. Markers - Two distinctive parallel line span elbow at left wing gap. Horizontal lines at apex of right leg triangle. Triple clashed profile and cap V. Double clashed neck at -6 deg. Crack from upper D to the upper S crosses right wing tip. Crack from upper F to lower A crosses left wing tip. Crack through outer leaves of left wreath clusters 4-5. Crack along the bottom of DOLLAR. Crack though the outside points of left star. Crack along the top TES of STATES.
*Comments:*SOLD ..GG;
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SiverDye VAM-13: [ Base ] [ 3451 ] [ 7496 ]
SiverDye VAM-13A: [ Base ] [ 2258 ] [ 6472 ] [ 6372 ] [ 5722 ] [ 1716 ] [ 072316 ] [ 1942 [ TF078844 ]
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Topic revision: r2 - 05 Sep 2020, RMG1883CC

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