1887-P VNC-4A 042316

OBVERSE ATTRIBUTES: Date set further left than normal (Near Date). The Date is doubled at 18-7. The 18 is doubled at the bottom, with the first 8 also doubled at the top inside of the lower loop. The 7 is doubled across the top. In early mintages of the VAM-4A, a vertical spike is present above the left serif of the 7. Markers: Tiny die chip at left center of cotton leaf to right of cotton bolls.
REVERSE ATTRIBUTES: Later mintages of the VAM-4A, contain faint die file lines at crack segment connecting the Left Star to the U of the first word of the Reverse Legend, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Markers: None.

  • This coin has all of the attributes associated with the VAM-4A. While this coin appears to be a VAM-4A, my Page Heading notes this as a Variety Not Certified (VNC) as it has not been certified by the PCGS, NGC, or ANACS as a VAM-4A. However, it has been confirmed as a VAM-4A by the VSS.
  • A die chip is present in Liberty's Nostril.
  • A very minor Obverse Clash Line can be seen at the juncture of Liberty's Jaw and Neck Line. This line was created by the clashing of the Eagle's Right Wing.
  • This appears to be a single clash event VAM-4A that left no letter transfers.
  • A die crack exits the Denticles below the 2nd Left Star, travels through the bottom part of the 1st Left Star, crosses over the Bust Point, and connects to the Flag of the 1.
  • A wavy die chip is present on the Tail Feathers just to the left side of the Eagle's Right Leg (to the right side of the Left Leg as viewed).
  • A feature that some describe as a "Snail" is seen crawling along the edge of the leaf. That feature is of the Hub and it spans many years.
  • A die crack runs from the Denticle's below the E of ONE and travels through the bottom of the D and connects to the O of DOLLAR.
  • A very minor Reverse Clash Line can be seen exiting the edge of the Eagle's Right Wing (Left Wing as viewed). This line was created by the clashing of Liberty's Neck Line.
VAMWorld Main Topics: [ 1887-P VAM-4A ] [ 1887-P VAMs ]
VAMWorld Message Board: [ VWID 00/00/00 ]
SiverDye 1887-P Varieties: [ 1887-P Base ] [ 4A ]
SiverDye VAM-4A Topics: [ Base ]
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Full Coin

1887-P VAM-4A RM042316
Error: (3) can't find 1887P_RMLE042316_LFCP_DSC_XXXX.jpg in Main Error: (3) can't find 1887P_RMLE042316_LFCP_DSC_XXXX.jpg in Main
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Date and Mint Mark

1887-P VAM-4A RM042316
rtm 1887 P 042316a.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316b.jpg
Comment: Comment:
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Die Marker

1887-P VAM-4A RM042316
rtm 1887 P 042316c.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316d.jpg
Comment: Die chip on leaf just to the right of the Cotton Bolls. Comment:
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1887-P VAM-4A RM042316
rtm 1887 P 042316e.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316f.jpg
Comment: This is a Near Date. The center position of a Normal Date is 2.5 Denticles from the Bust Point. However, a Date can be set "within normal tolerance" without resting at 2.5 Denticles from the Point. In this case, the Date is positioned further to the left of the 2.5 Denticle mark and outside Normal Date tolerance; a Near Date. Comment: I photographed this image at an unusual position that created the lighting I needed to show Date doubling. The 18 is doubled at the bottom and at the inside top of the lower loop. This image does not show the 7 well enough to determine whether that digit is doubled at the top or not. However, the previous image showing the Date position suggests that the 7 is doubled at the top.
rtm 1887 P 042316g.jpg RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE.jpg
Comment: Late mintage VAM-4As have faint die file lines at the crack that runs from the Left Star to the U in UNITED. Comment:
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General or Noted Features

1887-P VAM-4A RM042316
rtm 1887 P 042316h.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316i.jpg
Comment: Nostril chip. Comment:
rtm 1887 P 042316j.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316k.jpg
Comment: Comment:
rtm 1887 P 042316l.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316m.jpg
Comment: Comment: Obverse Clash Line.
rtm 1887 P 042316n.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316o.jpg
Comment: Die crack. Comment:
rtm 1887 P 042316p.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316q.jpg
Comment: Die file line activity in the Wing-Neck Gap. Comment: Wavy die gouge at Upper Tail Feather Region.
rtm 1887 P 042316r.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316s.jpg
Comment: The "Snail". Comment:
rtm 1887 P 042316t.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316u.jpg
Comment: Comment: Crack at Denomination.
rtm 1887 P 042316v.jpg rtm 1887 P 042316w.jpg
Comment: Comment: Reverse Clash Line.
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Full Coin

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-- RodMe - 22 Feb 2019

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