Characteristics are described with a degree of granularity intended for die identification more so than for die classification. A characteristic may not span the entire die progression. Thus, not all characteristics may be present in any one coin.

1888-O VAM-12A Second Stage, Die Stage 4 I3R5 AW042219

Obverse: III2-16
  • Date set at the Normal left position. Minor doubling at the top of all digits. Weak die crack starting on the left side of the 1 flag into the bust point and from the bust point towards LS1.
  • Weak clash mark of the top of the eagles right wing at Liberty's jawline. No letter transfer.
  • Distinct horizontal polish line in the D-void.
  • Long rim cud form L to S in PLURIBUS down to Denticle edge between IB and below middle 8 in date.
  • Long polish lines at the base of and to the right of the right cotton blossom.
  • Ear is doubled at the bottom part of lobe. Ear cavity contains a few die chips.
  • Die crack between LS4-LS7.
  • Die crack between the tops of E PL.
  • Die crack from below the I of PLURIBUS into the denticles above the I.
  • Die crack between IBUS of PLURIBUS.
  • Die crack on the hat from above the center cotton leaf, across the cap fold and into the field below the S of PLURIBUS.
  • Die crack between/thru the UM of UNUM and between RS4-RS6.
Reverse: C3f.
  • O mint mark centered, upright and slightly high.
  • Vertical die crack from rim thru O in DOLLAR up to right bow ribbon with slight field displacement break and tiny die chips inside O.
  • Horizontal die crack from LW5 across the base of the bow into RW5-RW4. Field displacement break and a break above the LA of DOLLAR.
  • Dense polish lines in eagle's upper tail feathers along with dense diagonal polish lines in the eagle's left leg triangle void.
  • Weak horizontal polish lines and debris in the eagle's wing-neck gap.
  • Weak clash mark of Liberty's neck at the top of the eagle's right wing between In God. No letter transfer.
  • Die crack from the left star thru UNITED, right wing tip, STATES OF,left wing tip, AMERI.
  • Die breaks between D and right wing tipand at the top of the right wing tip next to the first S of STATES.
  • Doubling in most of the letter of the reverse motto and legend.
VAMWorld: [ VAM-12 ] [ VAM-12A ] [ 1888-O VW List ]
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Full Coin

1888-O VAM-12A AW042219
1888O AW042219 Obv LFCP.jpg 1888O AW042219 Rev LFCP.jpg
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Full Coin

1888O_AW042219_Obv_LFCP 1888O_AW042219_Rev_LFCP
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Regional Landscape

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Topic revision: r2 - 02 May 2019, AndyWoj00

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