1883-O VAM-1 I1R5 Morgan Silver Dollar. Date within normal parameters. Mint mark within normal parameters. No Doubling.

Representative 1883-O VNC-1 OD2/RD2 TF730480a (VNA-11)
1883O TF730480a Obv LFCP.jpg 1883O TF730480a Rev LFCP.jpg
Wire or fabric impression on forehead. Feed finger gouges.
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VAM-1 OD1/RD1 AW110617

1883-O VNC-1 OD1/RD1 AW110617
1883O AW110617 Obv LFCP.jpg 1883O AW110617 Rev LFCP.jpg
Obverse: III2-1 Date is set at the Normal position. Obvious wreath clashing at the cap vee. Ear is mildly doubled on the left and right inside. Large die gouge at the foot of the T in LIBERTY. Wreath clash at Liberty's lips and chin. Wing clash at Liberty's neck with no discernable letter transfer. Reverse: C3a Oval O is set a bit low and right with a slight tilt left. Numerous polish marks/scratches in the mint mark. Heavy polish marks in the field below tail feathers 1 and 2. Numerous polish marks and scratches on both of the wings. Heavy hair curl clash marks at the eagles neck, above its head in the field, and below the st in trust. The top of the right wing shows Liberty's very light neck clash. No apparent M letter transfer above God. Heavy cap vee and cap clash marks at the inside and top of RW1. Clash marks of cotton boll parts next to the eagles left leg. Strong clash of Liberty's lips and chin at the inside of LW1. Mild eye clash just above the olive branch.
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VAM-1 OD1/RD1 TF579517

1883-O VAM-1 OD1/RD1 TF579517 (VNA-7)
1883O TF579517 Obv LFCP.jpg 1883O TF579517 Rev LFCP.jpg
III2-#. Doubled 1 at flag, base, and right vertical, doubled 3 at right inside loops, high 8. Marker. Wing clash at 1 (-5 deg), clashed u st in predicted rotation, spiked lower lip (between V-21A and V-44A/B), wreath clash at cap and hair, gouge at base of T of LIBERTY and between cotton bolls, micro-crack LS5-7. C3#. Mint mark set right, low, and tilted left, possible O/O down, clashed M. Marker. Heavily clashed lips and cap V, spiked beard, hair clashed to the right of neck, clashed cotton boll, polished LW4, line crossing the base of outer left wing feathers 5-8, line crossing the base of outer right wing feathers 3-6, lines crossing the base of outer right wing feathers 11-12.
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VAM-1 OD2/RD2 TF730480a

1883-O VNC-1 OD2/RD2 TF730480a (VNA-11)
1883O TF730480a Obv LFCP.jpg 1883O TF730480a Rev LFCP.jpg
III2-#. Doubled 1 at right vertical shaft and at bottom of flag, doubled first 8 at bottom inside of both loops, thread like impression on forehead near hair line, sunken left stars LS4-7, sunken right stars RS5-6, beveled cap V, chip in cap fold, doubled cap at lower hair line, two horizontal gouges inside ear, gouges extend from tips of both wheat grains, long horizontal scratch (thread like impression) from left cotton boll across hair, vertical line at the angle of the nose extends from the level of mid-cornea to the lower eyelid, large chip on the bridge of the nose at the level of the lower eyelid, diagonal line in upper stem of Y (bifurcation) of LIBERTY, long horizontal scratch at mid- high neck, clashed LDS has gouge in upper loop of second 8. C3#. Tripled IGWT, doubled upper left wing, curved scratch left wing outer feather 4, radial crack from left wing tip to denticle cleft, slightly doubled left wreath away from rim, center leaf of left wreath cluster 3 doubled with rotation class 5, two parallel diagonal lines inside mint mark, line between lower right bow ribbon and RW5, four vertical gouges in right leg triangle, distinct short line between right upper most thigh and upper scribble zone, feed finger gouges across first S of STATES and the F of OF.
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